Employees’ awareness
In our experience, your employees often form the weakest link in the digital security chain for example, by opening a fake phishing email. We test, detect, and qualify the risk they form. After we have uncovered this factor and reported it clearly, we can take measures in consultation with our clients. These measures include protocols aimed at behavioral change, technical adjustments, or tailor-made training.
Raising awareness among employees can be done in various ways. A phishing email can, for example, be used as an initial activity to measure the extent to which awareness has improved within the organization.
Phishing test
In the phishing test, a fake phishing email is sent to a person, a department, or the entire organization. This email may tempt recipients to enter their login details on a false and counterfeit login page.
The entire process is made transparent with a timeline of the phishing test and information about how many people opened the e-mail, how many people subsequently clicked on the link, how many people entered their data, and how many people reported the initial e-mail as spam.
Tailor-made workshops
A workshop usually takes place after a phishing test so that the first measurement can provide insight into the effectiveness of such a workshop and to increase security awareness within the organization.
Online platforms are used to (periodically) test employees’ security awareness. We can also check whether people paid attention during the workshop and whether they know how to correctly identify malicious e-mails.